Global API

Blinko exposes a global API through the window.Blinko object:

interface Window {
  Blinko: {
    // Core APIs
    api: typeof api;              // TRPC API client
    eventBus: typeof eventBus;    // Event system
    i18n: typeof i18n;           // Internationalization
    version: string;             // Blinko version
    toast: ToastPlugin;          // Toast notifications
    // Store Access
    store: {
      StorageState: typeof StorageState;
      PromiseState: typeof PromiseState;
      PromisePageState: typeof PromisePageState;
      blinkoStore: BlinkoStore;
      baseStore: BaseStore;
      hubStore: HubStore;
      resourceStore: ResourceStore;
    // Utility Functions
    globalRefresh: () => void;    // Refresh application
  } & PluginApiStore;  // Plugin API methods


The store provides a set of methods and interfaces for extending Blinko’s functionality Store.

Plugin API Store


For detailed API documentation, including all available endpoints and methods, please refer to the official Blinko API documentation.

Toolbar Icons


Add custom icons to the toolbar with tooltips and click actions.

type ToolbarIcon = {
  name: string;          // Unique identifier for the icon
  icon: string;          // Icon name or URL
  tooltip: string;       // Tooltip text shown on hover
  content: () => HTMLElement;  // Content to show when clicked
  placement?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right';  // Tooltip placement
  maxWidth?: number;     // Maximum width of the content

// Example usage
  name: 'my-custom-tool',
  icon: 'settings',
  tooltip: 'My Custom Tool',
  content: () => {
    const div = document.createElement('div');
    div.innerHTML = 'Custom tool content';
    return div;
  placement: 'bottom',
  maxWidth: 300

Right-Click Menu


Add custom items to the note right-click context menu.

type RightClickMenu = {
  name: string;          // Unique identifier for the menu item
  label: string;         // Display text
  icon?: string;         // Optional icon
  onClick: (note: Note) => void;  // Click handler
  disabled?: boolean;    // Whether the item is disabled

// Example usage
  name: 'my-menu-item',
  label: 'My Custom Action',
  icon: 'star',
  onClick: (note) => {
    console.log('Clicked on note:', note);

Custom Dialogs


Show custom dialog windows with your content.

type DialogOptions = {
  title: string;         // Dialog title
  content: () => HTMLElement;  // Dialog content

// Example usage
  title: 'My Custom Dialog',
  content: () => {
    const div = document.createElement('div');
    div.innerHTML = 'Custom dialog content';
    return div;

// Close the dialog

AI Writing Prompts

window.Blinko.addAiWritePrompt Add custom AI writing prompts to the AI writing feature.

// Add a custom AI writing prompt
  'My Custom Prompt',    // Name
  'Write about...',      // Prompt text
  'magic-wand'           // Optional icon

Type Definitions

For detailed type information, you can refer to the type definitions on GitHub.