Store Structure

interface Window {
  Blinko: {
    store: {
      // Base Store Types
      StorageState: typeof StorageState;        // Persistent storage state
      PromiseState: typeof PromiseState;        // Async operation state
      PromisePageState: typeof PromisePageState;  // Paginated async state
      // Store Instances
      blinkoStore: BlinkoStore;    // Core functionality store
      baseStore: BaseStore;        // Base application store
      hubStore: HubStore;          // Sync and connection store
      resourceStore: ResourceStore; // Resource management store

Base Store Types


For managing persistent state with subscription support.

class StorageState<T> {
  // Get current value
  get(): T;
  // Update value
  set(value: T): void;
  // Subscribe to changes
  subscribe(callback: (value: T) => void): () => void;

// Example usage
const settings =;
settings.subscribe((newSettings) => {
  console.log('Settings changed:', newSettings);

Store Instances


Core functionality store for notes, tags, and settings.

interface BlinkoStore {
  notes: {
    list: PromisePageState<Note[]>;
    detail: PromiseState<Note>;
    // ... other note operations
  tags: {
    list: PromiseState<Tag[]>;
    // ... tag operations
  settings: StorageState<Settings>;
  // ... other core features


Base application store for fundamental operations.

interface BaseStore {
  // Application state
  initialized: boolean;
  loading: boolean;
  // User session
  session: StorageState<Session>;
  // Core operations
  initialize(): Promise<void>;
  reset(): Promise<void>;


Manages synchronization and connections.

interface HubStore {
  // Connection state
  connected: boolean;
  connecting: boolean;
  // Sync operations
  sync(): Promise<void>;
  connect(): Promise<void>;
  disconnect(): Promise<void>;


Handles file and resource management.

interface ResourceStore {
  // Resource operations
  upload(file: File): Promise<string>;
  download(url: string): Promise<Blob>;
  delete(url: string): Promise<void>;
  // Resource information
  getInfo(url: string): Promise<ResourceInfo>;
  list(): Promise<ResourceInfo[]>;