How to Use

  1. Get the Access Token:

    • Copy the token displayed in the panel.
  2. Test the API:

    • Use the provided cURL command or a tool like Postman to test the endpoint.
    • Replace <access_token> with the actual token provided in the panel.
  3. Modify the Payload:

    • Adjust the JSON payload (content and type) as needed to test different inputs.
  4. Check the API Documentation:

    • Visit http://YOUR_DOMAIN:1111/api-doc to learn more about other available endpoints and parameters.

Example of the cURL Command

curl -X 'POST' 'http://YOUR_DOMAIN:1111/api/v1/note/upsert' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGcOiJkaXl...' \
-d '{ "content": "🎉Hello, Blinko! --send from api", "type": 0 }'